Front End Development

As a front end developer at Viewstub, my goal is to create and implement user experiences that make the process of creating, managing and hosting events easy and understandable for event organizers of every experience level.


UI/UX Demo

In my additional role as ViewStub's UI/UX designer, I have created a number of wireframes and prototypes to demonstrate user flows prior to the implementation process, in order to deliver an appealing visual and interactive user experience.

VS Rebrand

I was also in charge leading of the company's sidewide rebrand, being the primary designer for our new look, as well as a key participant in migrating the marketing aspects to a simplified platform for our team to make any additional changes without developer assistance.

Web Design & E-Commerce

Web Design Demo

At Velvet Eyewear I worked as a Web Designer creating, modifying, and implementing various themes and plugins on the shopify platform in order to create an attractive shopping experience for customers. I also became proficient in collecting and utilizing marketing analytics to generate traffic and improve engagement using various platforms such as Hubspot, Google Analytics and Constant Contact.

Technical Projects & Web Examples



Technologies Used: Laravel, JQuery, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL

A web application for Florida Atlantic University students that provides a centralized online platform for the sharing and dissemination of ideas and research in the field of computer science and engineering.


IDTBS Data Management Tool

Technologies Used: C++, Excel

A Data analysis program designed to compare and separate information files into multiple Comma delimited spreadsheets (.csv) if specific critera is met. The program also detects if new entries have been added , and if previous entries have been deleted from newer files.

Tic Tac Toe

Technologies Used: Java

A simple Tic Tac Toe game. The application is also capable of saving and loading the users previous game, should they close the game or wish to go back a turn.



Technologies Used: Javascript, CSS3

A basic calculator designed using Javascript and CSS.

Logic Design

Technologies Used: Altera Quartus II

A logic probe built through memory banks on a breadboard. The following example I have designed a two digit counter that is capable of increasing or decreasing in value through a switch.


Technologies Used: Assembly Language, C

A light sensor, touch sensor, and temperature sensor. Each LED is connected to the port pertaining to the corresponding sensor, and is triggered when a certain condition is met.


West Indies Shipping Express

West Indies Shipping Express

Talvan Construction

Talvan Construction

JL by Judith Leiber

JL by Judith Leiber

Basic Javascript & PHP Demos


A Javascript application that converts millimeters to centimeters, and vice versa.


A "Guess the Number" game using PHP.


A weather forecast app using the OpenWeather API that stores user preferences via user authentication, using PHP and MYSQL.